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Primalanother issue?
Shengian_SpidopsMe when uhh
darkeryetdarkerburmy off primal
Shengian_SpidopsDarker blink twice if you need help
Primalhelp me stepdarker
Icymossyo THE Hexmanic???
darkeryetdarkerwhy are you all love to get stuck wtf
Shengian_SpidopsThe door must wants you to stay ig.
HexManiacI'm stuck inside the counts door lol
Shengian_SpidopsI CANT EVEN RUN
Shengian_SpidopsIm stuck in a battle and i cant use any moves-
darkeryetdarkerig your character did the pokemon father thing
Icymossdiscord mods will help
shyftit says I don't appear to be stuck
Shengian_Spidops*slightly more green
Primalcan you take a screenshot and post it in discord?
Icymossgreen spidops
shyftI cant see my character and im stuck,
darkeryetdarker**DOOR STUCK**
Shengian_SpidopsThats one thing ig.
darkeryetdarkertheir door stuck
Shengian_SpidopsYea sometimes i get softlocked in battles
ZachTart26this woman called me strong then gave me potions. does she secretly think I'm weak? >:(
Icymosstry /unstuck?
Icymossshy is stuck
SDX539Nvm, I'm back
shyfthi lamirp
Shengian_SpidopsHi primal :D
Primalwhat issues are you guys having
Primalhello hello
shyftoof ;~;
ZachTart26hi primal
SDX539We might have to take a break and come back shyft
shyftsame SD
ZachTart26was asking cause it says interregional
darkeryetdarkersup primal
SDX539I'm stuck and my character disappeared too
Primaloh what did I walk into
shyftlemme make a report
shyftI can't play anymore
darkeryetdarkerborovia is its only place
ZachTart26can I get it in Rica? 🥺
darkeryetdarkerall of it.
ZachTart26what does it do with the trash?
darkeryetdarkerzach that mon is a griddy mf and you need to throw it lots of trash so idk if its cool
ZachTart26black scarf type /unstuck
shyftalready tried refreshing browser aswell
ZachTart26idk it looks kinda cool darkery
SDX539It's the three faces that does it for mo
shyftcan't see myself after trying to enter the gy
darkeryetdarkeror more so faces
darkeryetdarkeri feel like this is a face a mother would only love :mon_00myy2ox:
BlackScarfHow to turn off wallhack?
shyfti've glitched at the front of the 3rd rica gym ;~;
Shengian_Spidopsbut drogaster is awesome nonetheless!!
Paperboy012305I find Drogaster alright.
ZachTart26hi guys! (females included)
Icymossthey are friends
SDX539I really like Drogaster too. Drosphila is such a cool concept for a mon
Shengian_SpidopsThats a face only a mother could love imo.
darkeryetdarkerhehe i was first icy :3
darkeryetdarkerthis cutie
Icymossi love drogaster hehe
SDX539I tried grinding it up to Drogaster and I made it to level 22
darkeryetdarkerhow do i say this without being mean...
darkeryetdarkerbc lvl 33 evo for a like 200 bst is
darkeryetdarkerlarvomit cab't be called improving tbh
MaryAmaryswell, guess i'm not using it then on account of my anxiety lmao
Icymosscos the guy who made it is improving there mons icons and evo stuff
MaryAmarysoh damn
darkeryetdarkeryea and it can't be found anywhere
Icymossi dont think he can be fully evolved right now so you may want to ask a mod for help? his evo got a item now