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Jext ★, tetrislicious, Tontogayo, Sov, WakoDoodle, DravynLeCrux, MaryAmarys, Kiwizovics, kyledove ★, Primal, atlasrune, Boyofett, BaskOfSoftKitty, Icymoss, heijmans66, Renma2024, StiziM, MajiNVegeta, Azria ★, mapleaudino, OniSand, flamewave17, JaneJewel, Silkeregn, Deep_sea_lily, Jadzki, White_wolf, darkeryetdarker, SRaDa, BlueNoob12, MewHQ, CometTheIncandescent, XenoReality, jeonefrost, Felix13, flamebby, BigBootyJohn, Pokefinder, Pajarito, ZXDG, Chartychar, YTSamurai, Harlequin4sloth, thehunter6020, Austin9_10, HelixJr
shyftwish i could fly irl
Icymossi hope crafting gets added ar some point I think I could add some cool stuff for my future region
SilkeregnHerii are you ok?
Silkeregnwish I could fly in hub
Herii123Next time big brothers please tell your little sister what is happening
shyfttheres  so many completed regions ;^;
atlasruneWhoa, overworld pokemon agroing at a distance like trainers. That's so cool.
darkeryetdarkerbc it isn't fully done
Herii123Why no one tell me
darkeryetdarkereh i still feel like it should be counted
Herii123Harshlome is getting a extension
Silkeregnjust post game content
Silkeregnits completed
SilkeregnI mean
darkeryetdarkerbc it gonna get a expansion
darkeryetdarkerharsholme can be also added
Herii123I feel like if I restart hub my pokémon will not be available anymore including my global pc and I'll lose my starter my mobipup
capoznichif you look on the site you can filter to complete regions only
Silkeregnall except rica, hoenn sinnoh, right?`
shyftwhich ones?
Silkeregnyes shyft
SilkeregnWhats the best sweepers I should make for taking on the bastion?
shyftare there any fully completed regions?
Herii123The maps on the Halloween events in atlas
shyftgotta escape the audio
Icymossescape and audio
Silkeregnwhat maps
FatGeckUh, how do I lower the volume on this?
Herii123Ohhhh so has anyone ever completed the dex in the maps
shyftif only I could travel to rosewood
MajiNVegetaHonedge hords AT dreaguntale cave
&0verL0rdThe mons you get at the Halloween regions get transferred to your global pc when they end
darkeryetdarkeri literally have a halloween mon in my gift box rn
SDX539Welcme back!
darkeryetdarkerthey have them tho?
SilkeregnAre there any Honedge hordes anywhere?
Herii123You know what it's strange that the Halloween event maps don't have global pc because how do you get them to hub?
shyftlol I was a ghost for awhile
Icymossyoooo welcome back to the land of the living
shyftyayyy i'm back
Icymossthink so
LacertaI assumed it might have been for balance reasons.  
Icymossthink of it as a challenge region
Herii123It would be fun if it did because we can get starters from there and it would be added to the hub pokémon dex
Lacertaah ok
darkeryetdarkerof the creator
darkeryetdarkerpersonal choice
Lacertahmm  why does it not have a Global box?  exploitable farming things or something?
darkeryetdarkereveryone start praying
darkeryetdarkergod is here.
Icymossyo jext
darkeryetdarkeray funny thing bc im hunting his cousin lmao
LacertaRIP Turtwig
Icymossnope rip
Lacertaso uh, does Centennial Valley have an unlockable Global box?  I just found a full odds shiny in the wild and I wanted to keep it lol
darkeryetdarkertheir are in the after life bc ehhhhh frieza nukes everyone [trust me]
Herii123Big brothers where are you?
Herii123Where is everyone?
Herii123How was your day today?
Herii123Hi Big brother Jext
Herii123Big brother Jext where are you?
Primalyou did it right
Shengian_Spidopserr, is a picture believable enough to report the battle softlock glitch??
Primalyou dont hate me
Primalcya zach
Primaldo you
ZachTart26well, gtg, cya probably tmw
darkeryetdarker[ i still hate you for what you said primal btw]
Shengian_Spidopsthe game hates me training vro :(
Shengian_SpidopsThen i get stuck in another battle
Primalits def not normal for a lot of people to get stuck lol
darkeryetdarkerthat should restart the battle
darkeryetdarkertry refreshing
Primaltake screnshots and post on discord if possible
Shengian_Spidopsim stuck in a battle ☹️