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shyft(Live Freely My Son)
SilkeregnTreating people normally is not negative either
SilkeregnBeing realistic is not a negative trait'
shyft*Live Freely My Son*
shyft\\live freely my son
Herii123Yeah that too but I like to see the good things in life and not the negative
shyft\live freely my son\
darkeryetdarkerthats good ig
darkeryetdarker... primal ehhhhhhhh
shyftis it forward slash
shyfti need to learn how to make action boxes in chat
PrimalEverytime you shoot me I feel loved darker
SilkeregnBut you also need some realism in there
darkeryetdarkeri literally shot ppl in here how can be good and sweet?
SilkeregnThat's fine, to think.
shyftwe are as much related as ash having a present father
Herii123Okay I probably did but I like to think that all of you guys are really good and sweet
Silkeregnwe are strangers yes
shyfteh, technically we're at the very most, strangers
Primaldisconnected huh
SilkeregnHerii I think you missed my point
Herii123Though we all aren't technically strangers I mean as long as we don't do something dumb like meet up with eachother irl we should be safe
shyftwith your own two eyes?
shyftdo you see
MajiNVegetaI recognize u now
MajiNVegetaWho are u that touche AT thé keyboard
Herii123But I was still in chat
darkeryetdarkertrue primal
Herii123Same I got a notification I got disconnected
shyftwelcome to Mobile gaming Vegeta
PrimalWe cant blame our personality on our conditions tho
Silkeregnpeople call it autism now
MajiNVegetaMy screen go pitch black now i am watching this conversation in thé chat
Herii123Asperger syndrome sorry I can't spell the name right
MilliardoI mean hippowdon I still play Pokemon games at 30. Collect the cards too. Although I have to keep up so I can beat my kids in battle. Can't let the youngsters beat me.
Herii123I have autism and ADHD
shyftthats solid
SilkeregnThat's more of a choice on their part and a perspective of yours
Herii123Ik but it feels like that sometimes
capoznichi mean it definitely is how that works for some of the people i know lol
MilliardoThere is a big difference in enjoying things you like and acting like a child.
darkeryetdarkerheh silk "the interesting" part is a lie.
SilkeregnYou can act your age and still enjoy life
SilkeregnThats not how growing up works
Herii123I act like one but I'm an adult too but I don't want to grow up grow up and lose interest in the things I enjoy doing
SilkeregnI wouldnt call it interesting
darkeryetdarkeryou act kinda childish which is a interesting trait
shyftI like candy corn
Primallike 8-9 top
SilkeregnIf people tell you to act your age, maybe there's something to it
SilkeregnHerii I definetely assumed you were a child.
darkeryetdarkerand thanks for making me think burmy is a god damn sack
Herii123I'm 29 turning 30 next year and my mom tells me to act my age 🙃
darkeryetdarkerthat sounds wrong
shyftthe rock sacks that hang from shinnoh trees?
Primalteach them about online security tho!
Herii123Well I have family issues because I'm constantly being yelled at all the damn time so technically I don't get that from anyone of you guys making me see you as Big brothers since I don't have any
shyftt-the burmy?
shyftsalute salute
shyftshout out to the parents starting their kids poke journey young!
darkeryetdarkerwell neo sinnoh also kinda has a issue of "where the burmy are your parents"
shyftinteresting, you love to see that honestly
MajiNVegetaFamily issues
&0verL0rdId say more than a couple
capoznichneo sinnoh gives you a sister
shyftthey probably out Hoenn
Primalthere are probably a couple players that are parents irl
SilkeregnThere are two parents in Hoenn
darkeryetdarkernobody silk
shyftAren't we all? I haven't seen any parents in this game
Silkeregnwho's stealing your mons
Silkeregndark is there something you want to talk about?
darkeryetdarkerI DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT
shyfti'm an orphan
darkeryetdarkertbh its fine here an till your "buddy" steals your mon
Herii123But technically we are siblings well like siblings
Silkeregnget less attached to strangers
SilkeregnBe careful online
shyft"But we just friends tho"
SilkeregnEspecially on pokengine
Primalsolid answer right there
Herii123Not on pokéngine
SilkeregnBecause we are strangers
Herii123Yes it's just I call you all big brothers but I haven't heard any of you say hello little sister Herii 😢
darkeryetdarkervery very very nuts
Silkeregnalrighty then
darkeryetdarkerthey are just lil "nuts"
darkeryetdarkersilk herii is fine