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darkeryetdarkertbh this is what the duck reminds me off now
darkeryetdarkeri still love how that meme made deltatraveler
darkeryetdarkeralso about the kris where the burmy are we meme
PrimalI was there in the deltarune discord when it blew up
Primaloh ya that was wild
darkeryetdarkerand tbh its gonna be hard to beat this
IcymossI think next year
Primallistening to this as chat talks dumb stuff
shyfthow do I get starters like torchic and nem?
Icymosswith the news letter it should be SOON-ish
darkeryetdarkercan't wait for more memes
Icymosssame spamton livestream was amazing hahaha
SilkeregnWhat are you currently hunting Vegeta
darkeryetdarkeri loved deltarune so far
Primalhey xiterok
darkeryetdarkersame primal
shyftnever got into undertale tbh
Primalman I'm hella excited for next chapters
darkeryetdarkeralso im a undertale/deltarune fan so the reference is on the nose
shyftThey not like us?
Primalit is quite simple
shyftnah its going over head like the HUB
darkeryetdarkeri think my name reference is simple
darkeryetdarkerehhh idfk what that is
shyftI guess it isnt
shyftThe anime, Darker than Black
darkeryetdarkerwdym by that
shyftwait, Darker than black?
darkeryetdarkeralso tbh susie is my personality
Primalmy fav susie moment is when she battles lancer
capoznichwhere is the sun stone in borovia
darkeryetdarkerim taking out my axe
Primalawersome, took me this long to realize
darkeryetdarkersusie is my fav character
Herii123And I love it here but I also love pokémon in general
Primalyou're pink/purple in reference to susie?
Primalhold on darker
darkeryetdarkerwell im not going down without a fight
darkeryetdarker... im goomyed don't i?
Herii123True but my happiness is with my boyfriend and being here with you guys too
darkeryetdarkerig my job isn't done bc he is turning in to super sayain or something
JohjLpHello Hello
Primalwell herii, the moment you find true happiness in the real world beats many times the hapiness you find in the fantasy world
Haunter_omg corpses?
darkeryetdarkerand my job here is done
Herii123Oh no he's evolving
MajiNVegetaIts ok Lil sis Herii
darkeryetdarkerrude bustering the corpse in to the lake
darkeryetdarkernow time for my fav part
Herii123And I'd rather live a fantasy then live in a dangerous world that can kill you at some poin and yes I was sheltered
Primalcause of death? choking on a life-saving pill
darkeryetdarkeranyways time to drown another corpse
Icymossfun fact i had to get a plaster cos i messed up building a model tank lol
Herii123But I also love being imaginative
SilkeregnI'm not entierly sure about what you just said
darkeryetdarkerquick give them a senzu bean
Herii123And I like the reality that we live in but the realism is not how we thought it would look like you know how we are supposed to be living in the future
Primaltype /me
shyftthe text boxes you guys do all the time
Primalwhat are ya trying to do shyft
darkeryetdarkershyft did your brain stop working wait let me fix that
capoznichlmk what it is when you finally get it lol