ForumsSuggestionsThe HUB Gym Challenge

2w ago#21
PlayerJoined 3mo ago
And Ea memeber

2w ago#22
PlayerJoined 3mo ago
Sorry this is here by accident
Edited 2w ago by Whopper223.
2w ago#23
PlayerJoined 3mo ago
And I have beaten fighting type "masters before
2w ago#24
PlayerJoined 3mo ago
Like strong fighting type trainers

2w ago#25
PlayerJoined 5mo ago
i see, just make ur final pokemon team member and ur on.

P.S, plz dont floodspam commments

DM me, my user on discord is LightDiablo in the serverEdited 2w ago by LightDiablo.
2w ago#26
PlayerJoined 3mo ago
um can you tell me your real username so i can dm you? also i figured out my final member is its halucha hope you don't mind! also i found it right now
Edited 2w ago by Whopper223.
2w ago#27
PlayerJoined 5mo ago
oh ye it is EmperorDiablo in discord and is LightDiablo in the server
PlayerJoined 2w ago
you should let me in trust
everything needs an easy gym