ForumsQuestionsHarminth is catchable ?

Harminth is catchable ?
1y ago#1
PlayerJoined 1y ago
Hi, is it possible to catch more than one "harminth" pokemon in borovia ( or on a different map ) ?
I am asking because when in borovia I stepped on the floor "harminth" appeared and the game freeze (I had to turn game off and on again), and missed my chances of catching him
kyledove ★
1y ago#2
AdministratorJoined 11y ago
It resets every in-game day!
1y ago#3
PlayerJoined 1y ago
Thanks that's very good news, the second time I also failed, it turned out that "Acid" attack of "harminth" is bugged and then the game stops, but sooner or later he'll be caught with an ultra ball :)
1y ago#4
AdministratorJoined 11y ago
Acid should be fixed now I think!